Friday, September 16, 2005

FFL Katrina Relief Calling Volunteers

by Priyavrata Das, Food for Life Global

Dear devotees,

Food for Life Global is coordinating the FFL Katrina relief efforts in Mississippi and Texas. The first FFL program was initiated from the New Talavan farm. Devotees have been serving prasadam in a nearby town called Picayune in Mississippi. However, some volunteers are due to leave for other services and so we DESPERATELY need help to continue this project. The devotees from Alachua and New Vrindavan recently delivered truckloads of bhoga, so food is not a problem at this time. We just need hands to cook and serve out prasada!

We also have a team in Houston providing prasadam to shelters across town, however, soon we will be starting a new program in the center of downtown Houston in a large Hall and we will need help.

We are now calling for experienced cooks and kitchen hands to contact Food for Life Global if you wish to participate in these projects. Even if you are only able to assist for 2 weeks, please do contact us now!

Visit: for details of these projects.

Priyavrata das
DirectorFood for Life Global
Ph: + 1 (301) 987-5883
Fax: + 1 (413) 403-3090


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